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스마트그리드 데이터 센터 이용자 만족도 조사

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1. 시행일 : 2019.2.18(월) ~
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이용자 만족도 조사

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제공 정보의 활용성

(국내통계/사업자등록 통계, 정책, 생태계 구조, 국내기업)

사이트 이용 편의성

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개인정보 수집동의

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※ 조사 결과는 스마트그리드 데이터 센터의 용이성을 판단하기 위한 자료로만 활용되며,
소속, 성함, 휴대전화는 만족도 조사 참여자 집계에만 활용됩니다.

홈으로 > 맞춤정보센터 > 발주정보


스마트그리드 해외 발주 정보 스크랩

프로젝트명 Development of Solar Hybrid Mini Grids for Rural Economic Development (minimum subsidy tender - Phase 1 (4 lots)
대상국가 나이지리아 스마트그리드분야 신재생에너지
발주기관 Rural Electrification Agency 마감일자 2019-06-03
프로젝트단계 사업자선정방식
발주방식 입찰예정일
제원조달 WB 규모(백만불)
발주기관 홈페이지 www.rea.gov.ng

Employer: Rural Electrification Agency

Project: Nigeria Electrification Project

Contract Title: Development of Solar Hybrid Mini Grids for Rural Economic Development - Minimum Subsidy Tender (Phase 1 – 4 lots)

Country: Nigeria

Credit No.: 62910


Issued on: April 12th, 2019


1.          The Rural Electrification Agency (REA) has applied for financing from the World Bank towards the cost of the Nigeria Electrification Project (NEP) and intends to apply part of the proceeds towards payments under the Contract for Solar Hybrid Mini Grids for Rural Economic Development (Minimum Subsidy).

2.          The REA intends to initially select Applicants for Solar Hybrid Mini Grids for Rural Economic Development (Minimum Subsidy). This component of the NEP will support the development of privately financed and operated mini grids in rural areas with high economic growth potential. The Request for Proposals (RFP) will be for a pilot tender to build, own, and operate solar hybrid mini grids in 57 sites, packaged into four lots in the Niger, Sokoto, Ogun, and Cross River states.

At the RFP stage, Proposers will be evaluated on the basis of quality (technical proposal) and price (minimum subsidy required). The REA-NEP will provide the subsidies requested by the successful Proposers to ensure a viable implementation of the mini grids.

It is expected that the Request for Proposals will be issued in July 2019.

3.          Initial Selection will be conducted through the procedures as specified in the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers dated July 2016 and revised November 2017 and August 2018, as available on http://pubdocs.worldbank.org/en/178331533065871195/Procurement-Regulations.pdf, and is open to all eligible Applicants as defined in the Procurement Regulations. 

업데이트일 2019-04-15